Linking the Arts
WFIT's Project Coordinator, Pam Pedersen, shares her meetings with some of Brevard's most interesting people.
Linking the Arts gives us an insider's glimpse to local events. Whether it's plays, concerts, books or dining, Linking the Arts is sure to whet your appetite for more.
Latest Episodes
35th Annual 2019 Melbourne Art Festivalwill be heldAPRIL 27 & 28, 2019The Melbourne Art Festival is a totally Volunteer run, nationally recognized event,…
Join the Brevard Community Chorus and the Eastern Florida State Concert Choir when they present Requiem for the Living, by Dan Forrest and Serenade to…
Please join the School of Psychology Diversity Committee for a special showing of the new original musical "Riot" performed by West Shore High School…
A Night At The Movies - Municipal Band Concert - Free to Public! Thrill to the magic of Tinsel Town. The characters and the music seem to leap off the…
The Melbourne Chapter of the Harbor City Harmonizers presents "The Sounds of the Season X" at Holy Trinity Episcopal Academy Auditorium on Saturday,…
The Indian River Flute Circle and Native Heritage Gathering, Inc. proudly present the fifth annual gathering of the Native Rhythms Festival. This three…
In this segment of Linking the Arts, host Pam Pedersen visits with Craig Chapman, Melbourne’s own producer of Real Food Real Kitchens. Listen in to find…
In this segment of Linking the Arts, host Pam Pedersen talks with Lady Gail Ryan of Brevard Theatrical Ensemble, and Breanna Earley, one of the cast…
In this segment of Linking the Arts, host Pam Pedersen talks with Cassandra Wyzik about aromatherapy. Wyzik hosts a class every the first Friday of every…