FM Odyssey
Sundays, 10 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Emerging artists, rock legends, and in-depth interviews with over 500 musicians
If you don't have the time to make FM Odyssey part of your Sunday routine, than please join me Thanksgiving morning for a very poignant, special edition as we hold the space for all those family members who will have an empty seat at their table because of Covid casualties.
Fred Migliore, the host of FM Odyssey Radio, now in its 29th year, will co-host his entire show with Judy Collins the week of Sept 6th.Judy and Fred will…
FM Odyssey Radio, the weekly music and interview show launched by Fred Migliore on WFIT 89.5 FM nearly 30 years ago, and distributed to public and NPR…
Graham Nash will be my guest on Sunday for entire 12 noon hour. His new CD will be released on 6/29 & features 12 unreleased songs. We'll slap a few next…
Join me. 10-1 PM EST for a custom made soundtrack for the morning. From the season's transition from Fall to Winter. Missing those who are no longer with…
In conjunction with FM Odyssey’s 25-year anniversary, award-winning singer-songwriter Judy Collins stopped by The Gleason Center on the campus of Florida…
Thanksgiving Day at 10 AM EST. My 22nd annual Thanksgiving show! Featuring, previously unreleased songs from the Band's farewell concert, the Last Waltz,…
Judy Collins will help me celebrate my 25th anniversary, by joining me this FRIDAY, 10/28, in the 2' o'clock hour for a live in studio visit! And then on…
Judy Collins has inspired audiences with sublime vocals, boldly vulnerable songwriting, personal life triumphs, and a firm commitment to social activism.…
Sun. 1/10 on FM Odyssey - Marks the beginning of my 25th year doing this radio show, and I'll kick it off with an hour of songs about changes and new…