WFIT’s Fall 2014 Fund Drive kicks off Friday, September 19 at 7 a.m. and runs through Sunday, September 28. As a Public Radio station, WFIT is tasked with grass-roots fundraising for general program support. Membership support is the “Public” in Public Radio. Your tax-deductible gift helps WFIT keep your favorite music, local and world news and event information on-the-air and on-line.
The Fall Fund Drive will be held in WFIT’s spacious 6,500-square-foot Broadcast Center on University Blvd. The center provides a quality showcase for concerts, live studio interviews and performances, recording, production, tours and conferencing capabilities.
Consistent with all public media stations, WFIT will be emphasizing Sustaining Memberships. A Sustaining Member’s gift is deducted monthly from their account and continues until they tell us to stop. It’s simple for the donor and it’s great for WFIT because it provides a stable, reliable source of revenue. Sustaining memberships start at just $5 per month.

Stay tuned to WFIT 89.5 FM for Fall Fund Drive updates. You can also make your secure online donation here. If you would like to volunteer to answer phones during the drive, please email Pam Pedersen. WFIT can be reached at 321-674-8950.